School Information » Attendance


If your child misses school please give us a call or email:

760-868-3252 ext. 43006

[email protected]


Attendance Laws

California Education Code Section 48200 states that every person between the age of 6 and 18 is subject to compulsory, full-time education. The only exceptions to this law are:

Passing of the high school proficiency examination by the minor Attendance at a recognized private school

Individuals and organizations that operate private schools in California are required to annually file a California Department of Education Private School affidavit with the State of California on or before October 15th of each year. Parents interested in filing a private school affidavit may obtain additional information through the CDE web site:          

Any student absent from school without a valid excuse for more than three (3) days, or tardy in excess of thirty (30) minutes for more than (3) days (consecutive or non-consecutive), is considered to be truant under CA ED Code Section 48260. Although we understand that unforeseen emergencies arise, CA ED Code Section 48205 states students shall be excused from school when the absence is:

  1. Illness of the student
  2. Doctor or dental appointment for the student
  3. A death in the immediate family (maximum of three (3) days allowed)
  4. An appearance in court ​

According to district policy, you have five (5) school days to verify an absence in accordance with the Compulsory Education law. In addition, any time your child is late or tardy to school a note is required.